Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2014

Fourth Way related literature published 2014

 G.I. Gurdjieff - Gurdjieff's Early Talks 1914-1931

Marshall May - Gurdjieff Group Work with Rita Romilly Benson

Ocke de Boer - Higher Being Bodies: A Non-Dualistic Approach to the Fourth Way

Wim van Dulleman - Gurdjieff's Movements: The Pattern of All and Everything

William Patrick Patterson - Gurdjieff: The Man, the Teaching, His Mission

Anthony Blake & Paul Beekman Taylor - Gurdjieff's Worlds of Words

Robin Bloor - To Fathom the Gist: Volume II the Arch-Absurd

Jerry Brewster & John A. Anderson - Spiritual Physics

Nikolai De Stjernvall - My Dear Father Gurdjieff

Keith Buzzell - The Third Striving

Magisteria - My Enneagramm Notebook
A.R. Orage - The Force of Gurdjieff Vol. 2
Gurdjieff - Exercises. The Force of Gurdjieff Vol. 4
C. Daly King - Oragean Version The Force of Gurdjieff Vol. 3

Johanna Petsche - Gurdjieff and Music: The Gurdjieff/De Hartmann Piano Music and Its Esoteric Significance

Jo Nicholls-Parker - Mind the Gap. Gurdjieffian Institutes with Ouspensky, Roles, Nicoll, Fenwick

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